Nicea's Underwater Basilica

by Mustafa Şahin and Mark R. Fairchild

Laodicea's 'Lukewarm' Legacy

Conflicts of Prosperity in an Ancient Christian City.
by Mark R. Fairchild

Turkey’s Treasures in Trouble

I've visited more than 200 ancient cities throughout Turkey that date back to the Greek, Hellenic and Roman periods.
by Mark R. Fairchild

The Jewish Communities in Cilicia

This article discusses Jewish communities and their material remains in Eastern Rough Cilicia.
by Mark R. Fairchild

The Search for Jesus

Outside of the New Testament, What Evidence Is There About Jesus.
by Mark R. Fairchild

Why Perga?

Paul’s Perilous Passage through Pisidia.
by Mark R. Fairchild

Turkey’s Unexcavated Synagogues

Could the World’s Earliest Known Synagogue Be Buried Amid Rubble?
by Mark R. Fairchild

Paul’s Pre-Christian Zealot Associations

A Re-examination of Gal. 1:14 and Acts 22:3
by Mark R. Fairchild

#Underwater Basilica A1067 front-cover (002)

The Underwater Basilica of Nicaea

Archaeology in the Birthplace of Christian Theology

A first edition of Fairchild’s The Underwater Basilica of Nicaea has been published by InterVarsity Press (IVP) and is available on Click here to order

A Firsthand Look at a Groundbreaking Archaeological Discovery

In 2014, aerial photography revealed a submerged structure beneath the waters of Lake Iznik, near the ancient city of Nicaea. The structure appeared to be in the shape of an ancient basilica church, with a nave, aisles, and an apse pointing to the east. The discovery was named one of the top ten archaeological discoveries in 2014 by the Archaeological Institute of America. Earlier excavations in ancient Nicaea have revealed fourteen Byzantine churches in the city, but none of them can be dated as early as the fourth century.

Biblical scholar and archaeologist Mark Fairchild’s work on the archaeological excavations in Turkey reveals what he argues is the likely location of the First Council of Nicaea. The Underwater Basilica of Nicaea includes:

• Beautiful images from the excavation
• Helpful maps from the dig site
• Fascinating insights for a location that could be the birthplace of Christian theology.


Christian Origins in Ephesus and Asia Minor

A second edition of Fairchild’s Christian Origins in Ephesus and Asia Minor has been published by Hendrickson Publishers and is available on Amazon: Click here to order

Dig Deeper into Key Places and People in the New Testament
From Priscilla and Aquila in Ephesus to Paul’s missionary journeys, dig deeper into 20 key Bible places!

Paul’s Syrian and Cilician Ministry: The Silent Years
Mark R. Fairchild, Ph.D.; Huntington University

Key Points

Barnabas, John Mark and Their Early Ministry on Cyprus
Mark R. Fairchild, Ph.D.; Huntington University

Key Points

Click here to see other videos, interviews and films are available on the video page.

Istanbul Archaeological Museum

Prof. Fairchild describe artifacts at the Istanbul Archaeological Museum.

The Last Apostle - A Feature Documentary

A full length feature  documentary,The Last Apostle, follows Professor Mark Fairchild as he traces the steps of the apostle Paul on his earliest journeys. The film describes the troubles and difficulties of travel during the first century as St. Paul shared the Gospel with people who were steeped in Greco-Roman traditions and beliefs.

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